Ryan Henson Creighton has been called a creative force of nature. To date, his career has encompassed writing, puzzle design, video game development, theatre, stand-up comedy, marketing, and advertising. A TEDxToronto speaker and author of Unity 4.x Game Development by Example (3rd edition), Ryan is prolific and outspoken, with an uncanny knack for teaching anything to anyone, by blending humour and storytelling with contagious passion.
Veggies in my Pants
Garden the family jewels.
Why i changed my name
Dad by declaration.
Gimme a “B”!
An account of my enjoyable 27th birthday.
The tragic day when i won all the marbles at playtime.
Dece and Ex
A remembrance of some choice 80’s slang.
I feel like chicken tonight. Like chicken tonight.
How licensing songs for commercials thoroughly ruins them.
Stop [verb]ing.
On a frustratingly uncreative ad trope.
Beachball Smuggling and The Hated
Crossing over from “maybe” to “definitely” fat.