Ryan Henson Creighton has been called a creative force of nature. To date, his career has encompassed writing, puzzle design, video game development, theatre, stand-up comedy, marketing, and advertising. A TEDxToronto speaker and author of Unity 4.x Game Development by Example (3rd edition), Ryan is prolific and outspoken, with an uncanny knack for teaching anything to anyone, by blending humour and storytelling with contagious passion.
Fit to be Tied
i counter Rob Ford’s tie auction with a tie auction of my own.
Arrest-Faking G20 Commander No Hero
A Toronto cop hailed as a hero for his G20 behaviour is anything but.
The Pan Am Games in Toronto Are Insane
The bizarre goings-on in a Toronto Pan Am Games 2015 ad.
Why i Hired a D&D Dungeon Master at LockQuest
The unique job qualifications of absolute nerds.
Transitioning from Video to Physical Game Development: An Education
You’re not so tough without your pixels to hide behind, are you?
An Audience of One
An unfortunate Facebook setting keeps me from my fans.
A hashtag game.
A Million Little Suicides
The lurid misadventures of my junior high health teacher.