The Big Script

The Big Script

Just before i finished 8th grade, i auditioned for the specialty Performing Arts program at the high school i was hoping to attend. i was accepted to the program as a drama major. We had a performance night in the first term, and my teacher tasked me with writing a...
The Revelation of Randolph Diggs

The Revelation of Randolph Diggs

The Revelation of Randolph Diggs AT RISE : The stage is blank, save for a notebook and pencil lying on the floor. Rand enters, stage right, with a pen in his ear. Rand- I feel a poem coming on. ( He sits cross-legged on the stage and picks up the notebook ) I think a...
The Legacy of Time

The Legacy of Time

When i dug the spiral-bound Durham Literary Guild from the bottom of the suitcase, it blew the dust off a long-abandoned corner of my memory. i had obviously submitted something to the publication (which ruined me, for many years, on the actual dictionary definition...
Thoughts on Now

Thoughts on Now

I’m sleepy now I’ll go to bed and watch the dancers in my head who dance the kickline in a row Oh, how I love them …hold it – Joe! What are you doing there in my mind lifting your skirt to expose your behind? Get away from those dancers and...